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Medienpartner: SPACE/TIME

Medienpartner: SPACE/TIME

Plakat-Kultur ist Medienpartner SPACE/TIME BERLIN und wir freuen uns sehr darüber.

Every presentation of a work of video art can be understood as a kind of live performance, an immaterial, temporal experience, characterized by uncertainty and instability. In the same way that no single live performance can ever be exactly replicated, no viewer can ever have the same encounter with a recorded work more than once.

Space/Time Berlin is a new platform for bringing together video and performance artists whose work affects audiences’ experience of time. Our goal is to remove the separation between what is traditionally considered a screening and what is traditionally considered a performance by presenting these works in the same room, in the same time frame, for the same audience. By presenting work in this context, we hope to alleviate, rather than simply add to, the deluge of digital stimulation that infiltrates every aspect of contemporary life.

Program, April 2016
5 Works on Ritual and Repetition
Saturday, 2 April 8:00 pm | Tatwerk

5 Works on Memory and the Unconscious
Sunday, 3 April 8:00 pm | Tatwerk

A Two-Part Journey into the Unknown
Friday, 8 April 8:00 pm | SOPHIENSÆLE | tickets or call (030) 283 52 66

6 Works on Architectural Conceptions of Time
Saturday, 16 April 6:00 pm – 12:30 am | Flutgraben

Jennifer Gustavson Says I Love You
Thursday, 21 April | Project Raum Naunynstr. 53

5 Works on Sound in Time
Friday, 29 April 8:00 pm | Acker Stadt Palast

3 Works on the Body as Activated Object
Saturday, 30 April 8:00 pm | Acker Stadt Palast

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